User pairing in NOMA

 Hello everyone! In this post, we'll look at the user pairing problem in NOMA. Let's dive straight in!

What is the user pairing problem in NOMA?

We know that NOMA serves multiple users simultaneously in the same frequency. But how many users can we support in one frequency carrier? We analyzed this question in detail and found the answer in one of the previous posts. There, we concluded that, if the number of users is increased beyond a limit, the sum throughput of the network will actually begin to drop. So, we cannot increase the number of users per carrier indefinitely.

Then what can we do to support all the users? One solution is to employ hybrid NOMA. Hybrid NOMA is a combination of NOMA with any OMA technique. For example, let's consider TDMA+NOMA, as shown in Fig. 1.  Let's say we have a time slot of 4 ms duration. We have to support 4 users within this time slot. Now, TDMA will divide the 4 ms slot into four 1 ms slots and assign one slot to each user. NOMA, will assign the whole 4 ms slot to the four users. As we know, this will increase the SIC complexity and processing delay. Hybrid NOMA, on the other hand, divides the 4 ms slot into two 2 ms slots and assigns two NOMA users to each slot.

Fig. 1: User assignment in different multiple access schemes

As we can see, hybrid NOMA can serve all the users with reduced complexity. We'll see more about hybrid NOMA schemes in future posts. But in this post, the question is, how to pair NOMA users within each available orthogonal resource? Should we pair users as {(1,2),(3,4)} or {(1,3),(2,4)} or {(1,4),(2,3)}? 

Two user pairing strategies in NOMA

First, let's look at our system model

Fig. 2: System model 

As shown in figure 2, let's consider a downlink communication scenario with 4 users. Let d1, d2, d3, d4 denote the distances of U1, U2, U3, U4 respectively from the base station. U1 is the nearest user and U4 is the farthest user. Therefore, their channel conditions are ordered as |h1|2>|h2|2>|h3|2>|h4|2. We have two orthogonal resource blocks (time/frequency/subcarriers) and we have to assign two users per block. We'll do the user pairing based on the distances.  There are two simple ways to do this:
                    (i) Near-far pairing (N-F)
                    (ii) Near-near, far-far pairing (N-N, F-F)

(i) Near-far pairing (N-F)

In this method, the nearest user to the base station is paired with the farthest user from the base station. The next nearest user is paired with the next farthest user and so on. In our example, U1 is the nearest user and U4 is the farthest user. So, N-F pairing will pair U1 with U4 in one resource block. U2 will be paired with U3 in the next resource block. 

In the first pair of users, U1 is the near user and U4 is the far user. Therefore, we have to choose the power allocation coefficients as α1<α4. So, U1 should perform successive interference cancellation (SIC), while U4 will perform direct decoding. Similarly, in the second pair of users, U2 is the near user and U3 is the far user. Therefore, we have to choose α2<α3. Here, U2 should perform SIC while U3 will perform direct decoding.

The achievable rates for the users in the first pair are, R1,nf=12log2(1+Pα1|h1|2σ2)(afterSIC)
Similarly, for the second pair,

The sum rate of the N-F scheme will be Rnf=R1,nf+R2,nf+R3,nf+R4,nf

(i) Near-near, far-far pairing (N-N, F-F)

Another way to perform user pairing is to group the nearest user with the next nearest user. The farthest user is grouped with the next farthest user. If we follow this strategy, in our example, U1 will be paired with U2 in one resource block. U3 will be paired with U4 in the next resource block.

Now, in the first pair of users, U1 is nearest to the base station when compared to U2. Therefore, we have to choose α1<α2. U1 should perform SIC, U2 will perform direct decoding. Similarly, U3 is closer to the base station than U4. So, we have to choose α3<α4. U3 should perform SIC, while U4 will perform direct decoding.

The achievable rates for the users in the first pair are, R1,nn=12log2(1+Pα1|h1|2σ2)(afterSIC)
Similarly, for the second pair,

The sum rate of the N-F scheme will be Rnn=R1,nn+R2,nn+R3,nn+R4,nn

MATLAB Simulation

Now that we have seen two different techniques, the natural question that arises is, which one is better? And what if we simply multiplex all the users in the same carrier (SC-NOMA), with no user pairing? And why we need NOMA at all, with all the additional work needed for user pairing? Why not just use TDMA? Let's find out the answer by implementing everything in MATLAB. In this simulation, we consider N = 4 users. We are going to plot the sum rate of the network when we employ each of the user pairing schemes that we studied today. In addition, we are going to compare the sum rate performance of the network with just SC-NOMA and TDMA. 

 Some observations:

1. When near user is paired with the far user, a larger sum rate is achieved. This confirms the well-known fact that NOMA performs better when the channel conditions between the two users is distinct [1].

2. When near-near, far-far pairing is used, NOMA still achieves more sum rate than TDMA, but the improvement is not that significant.

3. The performance of SC-NOMA is poor when compared to TDMA! Because, the overloading of all users into the same carrier creates interference issues. This also confirms our observation from this post that we cannot simply increase the number of users sharing the same carrier, without paying a price. 


[1] Mahmoud Aldababsa, Mesut Toka, Selahattin Gökçeli, Güneş Karabulut Kurt, Oğuz Kucur, "A Tutorial on Nonorthogonal Multiple Access for 5G and Beyond", Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing, vol. 2018, Article ID 9713450, 24 pages, 2018.

[2] Z. Ding, P. Fan and H. V. Poor, "Impact of User Pairing on 5G Nonorthogonal Multiple-Access Downlink Transmissions," in IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 65, no. 8, pp. 6010-6023, Aug. 2016, doi: 10.1109/TVT.2015.2480766.


  1. In the low average SNR regime , it seems sum rate is fairly remains same for all the schemes. Kindly explain it.

    1. Hi Umer, one reason could be that the pre-log fraction becomes significant only when the log(1+snr) value is reasonably large enough (i.e., at high SNR).

      Another thing is, the advantage of N-F pairing over N-N-F-F pairing is due to the careful selection of users who will suffer from interference. Clearly, N-F scheme provides interference free reception to both the near users (assuming perfect SIC), in contrast to the N-N-F-F scheme, which provides interference free transmission to one near user and one far user. Therefore, N-F gives better sum rate. But when the noise is dominating the interference power, the choice of users who suffer from interference does not make much of a difference. Both schemes are expected to give the same performance.

      Hope this helps

  2. As the no of users increase, will user paring strategy still be effective?

    1. Yes, As the number of users is increased, it is even more important to properly decide the user pairing strategy. That will ensure effective utilization of the power and bandwidth resources. If we do random pairing of users, then we may not exploit the full potential of the network.

    2. Can you please provide the code of User Assignment for NOMA?

    3. Hi joe
      Have you combined the NOMA in IRS assisted networks

  3. hello please i want a code for NOMA in LEO sattelite in this paper "Non-orthogonal Multiple Access
    in Coordinated LEO Satellite Networks"
    can you help me

  4. Hi, Joe

    I hope you are doing. Thank you for sharing wonderful resources to study the NOMA implementation. I am currently working on Beamspace MIMO NOMA for mmwave Communication where i am facing difficulty in allocating users in each beam and allocation of power accordingly. If you have any resources, please let me know. Thank you in advance.

  5. Hi joe, how to calculate outage probability for these user pairings?

  6. sir do you have code for backscatter and wpcn ?

  7. Hi Joe! I appreciate your contribution to the academia using this helpful blogger site. I've read all your blogs and learn a lot of things from it. Thanks to you.

    Moreover, I would like to request that if you please include the topics of Terahertz communication with NOMA if possible. It would be much appreciated.


  8. I was reading the codes in comparison to the proposed system model, I noted that in the codes d1 seems to be the furthest and d4 the closet user contrary to this model. what could be the reason for this assignment?

    1. Hi, yes in the codes i have chosen the distances in reverse order. But it doesn't matter as long as the users are paired properly according to the considered schemes. Thanks for pointing that out

    2. Hello, sir. You have done a great job creating this blog and information that you have provided is priceless but why did you stop

    3. Hi Shivaji, I had to take a break from blogging due to other commitments. But I am planning to post more stuff about 6G techs soon. Thanks for your support

    4. Hey Joe,great to see you back after a long time. DO discuss and post on RIS related problems.Share your email id

  9. Hi Joe,
    Can we do user pairing and power allocation in NOMA using metaheuristic algorithms?
    Do you have any sample code ?

  10. Hi Joe,

    I'm really impressed with your work and I was just curious if you can show me the FTPA or GPA (Generalized Power Allocation) matlab code for 4 Users? It will be extremely helpful as it will clear my doubts regarding this topic.

    Kind Regards

  11. hello, Joe,
    I have a doubt about theses distances for users, I think these distances is not practical.

  12. Hi Joe,

    I hope you're doing well. I am currently working on creating a hybrid CDMA-NOMA scheme model in an N-N, F-F scenario. I was wondering if you have any suggestions on the specific changes I should implement to achieve this.

    Any guidance or recommendations you can provide would be greatly appreciated.

    Thank you in advance for your support.

    Best regards,

  13. Hi Joe, Your blogs are highly helpful for my research on NOMA-SWIPT-WSN. I had lots of doubts on this domain which were solved by your blogs. I planned to use this noma SWIPT in WSN for network lifetime enhancement, is that possible?


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